Monday, February 17, 2025

Finding Balance in 먹튀폴리스사이트


In the martial arts, those who have the patience to learn 먹튀폴리스사이트 are taught that true power comes from the martial artist’s connection to the ground, or root. The strike speed of your punch or kick and the muscle behind it are also important to be sure, but they are far secondary to your root. In order to achieve a strong root one must have proper balance.
No, I didn’t get my articles for RealPokerTraining and inside kung fu mixed up this week. I believe there is a poker connection to be made here. As in martial arts, in poker a player who has proper balance can use his skills more effectively. This however does not mean that you should center your butt in your chair better or stand on one foot and make crane noises. No, in this case I am talking about getting your life in balance.
A life in balance is truly important in being able to, as the army commercial goes, be all you can be. All of the aspects of our lives can either be sources of energy for us to draw from, or drains our energy reserves. Having more energy to devote to competition is invaluable if you want to win.
Poker played well takes a lot of mental energy. Imagine if you just had a huge argument with your wife and were now in a big game. It’s almost impossible not to have at least some part of your brain still thinking about that fight with the wife. Some of your mental energy is not focused on the game.
Now imagine you and your wife just spent yesterday celebrating your anniversary. The two of you had a great time and you feel safe and secure in your relationship. Now imagine you are playing in that same big game. Your head is completely in the game and you are free to give it all your attention. In fact, the few times you may happen to let a stray thought drift towards your wife, your warm feelings only reinforce your sense of purpose and well being giving you more energy.
The poker pros know this too. Daniel N. brings healthy food from home with him to his games. Jennifer H. credits her family for helping her return to health and get her game back. Many top pros speak about the benefits of regular exercise and time away from the game. Jerry Yang was able to win the main event last year ;o)
I always read a lot of posts online talking about poker and wives or girlfriends. Most of these posts go on about how their significant others just don’t understand how important poker is to them. I strongly believe that the opposite is true. Most of these posters don’t understand just how important a happy and stable family life is to their poker.
The things that tie us to the ground and enable our balance in life, our roots if you will, are all away from poker. Our skills in poker are like having a strong and fast kick or punch. Taken by themselves, that kick or punch can be a good weapon. But executed with a solid root, that same weapon can be devastating. The balance provides the foundation that will strengthen all technique.
I once asked my martial arts master if balance is so important, why then do the monks who spend all their time practicing achieve such high levels of skill. He told me two things. The first was that I was confusing skill with the ability to use it. Skill is achieved through tutelage and practice and so, of course those who do both most often will be more skillful. The second thing he said was that I was likely mistaken about the lives of the monks as well. He said that devotion to religion is as powerful a grounding force as any other kind of love and devotion. Those monks had built an extremely solid foundation on their faith.
My point in writing this article is not to say that life > poker, although I have said that before and will likely say it again. In truth of fact there are many things in this life that I consider to be above poker in my own list of priorities. There have even been many occasions where I have left an online tournament in progress due to one of these things requiring my immediate attention. Rather I wish to point out that if one is happy and healthy then all other things in your life are better.
So here’s my favorite piece of advice I have given so far in any poker forum. Find the balance in your life. Live, love, exercise, eat well, and be happy. Your poker game will thank you for it.



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